Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Before "Stephen King's Children of the Corn" there was "Disciples of the Crow"

As "Stephen King's Children of the Corn" hit theaters and frightened moviegoers everywhere in 1984, many probably didn't realize that Burt and Vicky had taken this trip before! Released in 1983, "Disciples of the Crow" was a short, small budget student film directed by John Woodward and was to be one of the first so-called "Dollar Babies" that Mr. King allowed to be made of his short-stories by student filmmakers. Starring Gabriel Folse as "Burt" and Eleese Lester as "Vicky", the film centered around a boy named Billy and instead of Gatlin, Nebraska, the name of the town was changed to Jonah, Oklahoma. For those of you who have never seen it or don't remember it, here it is as we have included it here in both parts for your convenient viewing.

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