Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Coming Soon to ChildrenoftheCornMovie.com - "Return To Gatlin" 25 Years Later - The Video Series

It's hard to believe that one year ago, ChildrenoftheCornMovie.com posted it's first entry. As fans of our site may remember, our first posting talked of the cancelled trip (I hate potholes) back to the towns in Iowa that formed the now-famous fictional town of Gatlin Nebraska. Well, this year there were no potholes to ruin our trip and recently, we just returned from another exciting outing searching for locations that were used in the filming! As we roamed through the small towns, we coouldn't help but think "What would the fans like to see for the 25th anniversary?" So we came up with this idea. A video mini-series dedicated to each of the towns used in the filming! We will soon be starting to compile our video and photo footage together for this but thought we would post a preview video to give everyone a taste of what is in store. Over the past year we have met so many people and made lasting friendships because of our little venture and we can't thank everyone enough for their overwhelming and continued support. What better way to celebrate as ChildrenoftheCornMovie.com is one year old this week! "Happy Halloween Outlanders!"

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