Friday, October 16, 2009

Read Mark Morton's Children of the Corn (2009) and 25th Anniversary Limited Edition CD Review

COTC 25th Anniversary EditionCOTC 2009 Version

Hot on the heels of Jonathan Elias' cd releases for his music to the SyFy Channel 2009 version and the new 25th anniversary (FINALLY!!!) limited edition cd of his original 1984 classic score, Soundtracks Examiner Mark Morton has released a great review on both in an article entitled - "Haunted Halloween Harmony: Children of the Corn soundtrack by Jonathan Elias". As part of his "Halloween Harmony" series, Mark discusses these two new releases, one of which fans have been clammoring to get their hands on for years! To read Mark's variety of soundtrack reviews, head over to or click here to go directly to his Children of the Corn article.

1 comment:

  1. Nice review there. Though to note about Elias with the remake - his main theme was not played enough. In fact, I wonder how much of the remake's score was actualy Elias' work. Though I do agree that a second pressing of the COTC soundtrack is called for.
