Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cuts From The Corn : The Classic Scenes Series Presents - "That's When Sarah Started Drawing These Pictures..."

Well fans, we searched the corn rows quite a while for this one. So this week, we finally resume our "Cuts From The Corn" series with the unforgettable moment of "That's When Sarah Started Drawing These Pictures...".

That's When Sarah Started Drawing These Pictures...
As Job and his Father make a stop at the local Hansen's Cafe after Sunday church, sister Sarah was at home running a temperature and feeling a little under the weather. As sinister events unfolded throughout the rural community of Gatlin, Sarah was predicting what was happening at the cafe through an insightful drawing that would lay the foundation of Isaac's reign and spell the end for all adults in the town. With her "Gift of Sight", I wonder if she knew Mr. Hansen's hand would be on the menu as the special of the day? Something tells me Mr. Hansen probably didn't......

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