Thursday, August 13, 2009

Courtney Gains and John Franklin to appear at HorrorHound Weekend in Cincinatti Ohio November 20th - 22nd

Courtney Gains at HorrorHound WeekendJohn Franklin at HorrorHound Weekend

Big convention news! Two of your favorite Gatlin townsfolk are making an appearance this year at the HorrorHound Weekend Convention! On November 20th-22nd, Courtney Gains (Malachai) and John Franklin (Isaac) will be appearing at the convention to be held in Cincinnati Ohio at the Sheraton Cincinnati North for ALL THREE DAYS!! Both will be available for autograph signing, photo opportunities and meeting the fans so what are you waiting for Outlanders?? If you are a die-hard Children of the Corn fan, this is one convention you don't want to miss out on! To order tickets, click on the banner below or just click HERE. For more information on Horrorhound Weekend 2009 or a list of guests appearing, go to! Guests are always subject to change due to unforseen situations and prior obligations so always make sure to check with the venue or convention website for any last minute changes before traveling.

Click Here For Scheduled GuestsClick Here For Tickets

1 comment:

  1. i will be attending this event! have always wanted to meet the man who played Isaac!!! from what ive heard John is a very gracious, kind hearted gentle soul and i cannot wait to get his autograph and have a pic taken with him!
