Sunday, June 28, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

Cuts From The Corn : The Classic Scenes

Welcome to our fourth entry in our Cuts From The Corn : The Classic Scenes Series. This week, we feature another classic scene from the original 1984 movie and as always, if you have any suggestions for a certain scene, feel free to email us at for your "classic moment" ideas. Now, if all outlanders are ready, let's join the kids to witness "The Rising of Vicky".

The Rising of Vicky
While Burt went searching the deserted town of Gatlin for help, Vicky stayed alone with Sarah to try and understand what was going on. After a surprise visit from Malachai and the boys, Vicky is taken prisoner out into the clearing and prepared to become the sacrifice of "He Who Walks Behind The Rows". I bet being placed on a cross and being lifted into the air wasn't part of the itinerary when they planned their trip......

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Americanvirus Picture Series - Night Flower

Night Flower

Now to introduce the third entry in The Americanvirus Picture Series. Americanvirus is an outstanding website created by Jonas Marlowe Seaman (Joseph from the original Children of the Corn) that holds a variety of original art creations from videos to drawings to pictures that he uploads regularly. You never know what will come up with next but you can be sure that it is always creative and unique. As this marks the third installment, we continue with a picture called - Night Flower. And don't forget, you can always follow Americanvirus also on Flickr!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Americanvirus Featured at the "Long Night of Music" Festival in Munich Germany

If you recall, our very own Jonas Marlowe Seaman of Children of the Corn fame and creator of the Americanvirus website had a number of his stop-motion videos displayed earlier this year at the Gasteig Cultural Center in Munich Germany. We are proud to announce that on Saturday, May the 23rd, Jonas has been featured again at the Gasteig in Munich as more of his outstanding work has been displayed this time as part of the “Lange Nacht der Musik” Festival 2009. According to Jonas' Americanvirus website, the Gasteig plays an important role as a sponsor and venue for the festival with over 400 concerts and events taking place at various venues throughout Munich. To view any of the videos below, just click on the play button or click on the video name to view it on Vimeo. And if you would like to check out all of Jonas' videos on his Vimeo page, just go to or click Here. Congratulations Jonas!

Dark Matter Noise (Stop-Motion w/the Canon 5D) from americanvirus on Vimeo.

Noh Suspend at The Funhouse in Seattle, Wa. from americanvirus on Vimeo.

Noh Suspend at The Monkey Pub in Seattle, Wa. from americanvirus on Vimeo.

Noh Suspend at The Lobo in Seattle, Wa. from americanvirus on Vimeo.